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Monday 28 June 2010

x Spirits - Do You Believe x

Spirits - They say there all around us, some say spirits only come back if they have unfinished business, maybe true, who knows.

Ive had ma fair share of spooky moments, the first when a was about 9, Ma gran had just passed away from cancer on 15TH December 1994, And it was the 31st December and ma parents were goin out to bring in the New Year, So me and ma baby sister Siobhan had to stay with our auntie, which also happend to be our gran's house. We went to bed unaware that it was actually gran's room we were sleeping in, I couldn't sleep the whole night. Gran had this dressing table what sat opposite her bedroom door, and if you looked in it you could see the top of the stairs. I don't know why but a turned around and looked in the dresssing table mirror.... And there she was clear as day, Standing waving to me, She was all White, in a white gown, her hair curly like it had always been, She was Happy. Only a didn't think about the good things at the time, A was just spooked out completely. I quickly looked away, Frozen with fear.

The next morning a couldn't stop thinking about it, Never spoke a word to anyone. Our uncle took us for a walk down to the meadows, Still a never utterd a word, All a could think about was what id saw. Even when a saw ma mum & dad a never spoke to them, a was mute for a whole few weeks, Traumatised a guess. But why? She was our gran, She never harmed us when she was here and she wouldn't in Heaven.

It wasn't until a was sitting reading our local paper, and a came across a wee verse written for gran from the family, That a broke down. I remember ma sister Michelle was there and a just cried and told her everything.

Since that night a have believed that spirits are real. My family recently lost a very special man, Ali B. And strange things have been happening, To his family. Which is understandable because that's were he lived, with his family. But why me??

You see, The day Ali B got buried, our niece Millie stayed the night with us, I was laying in bed around 3.30am, Just starting to fall asleep, When a felt someone sit on ma bed, And at that moment a got a cold shiver right from ma feet to ma head, you can safely say again a was frozen with fear. I looked over to see if daisy was Sleepin as maybe it was her what had jumped on ma bed, But she was sound asleep. Ok so it could have been any spirit, But Bear in mind Millie, Ali B's only niece by blood was staying that night. My gut instincts were telling me that he was there looking after Millie, and he just wanted to come and say hello. The following night a was going to bed and a had a packet of crisps and a bottle juice, and I KNOW a put them down on the floor to take off ma dressing gown, Then a went for a widdle, When a got back the crisps were gone... The juice was there but the crisps were nowhere to be found?? I raked ma room high and ow for them, I thought maybe mum had took them but she never, I still can't find them anywhere. Now Ali B had alot of health problems and he wasnt allowed sweets n stuff, but he sneaked them anyway hehe, A guess he fancied some nik naks (",). Lastnight a was filling out daisy's water bowl before a went to bed, and a turned round to the fridge and a felt a splash of water hit the back of ma leg, Daisy wasn't there so couldn't have been her. Then just 10mins before a started writing this a went downstairs for a drink before a settle down to sleep, And a walked past our bin in the kitchen and it slammed shut, a never even touched it??.

Im seeing a pattern here, that strange thngs are happening before a go to bed... But why me?? Is the spirit Ali B? Is it our gran? or is it just some spook what wants to scare the shit outta me, hey maybe it's casper (",) Spirits... Do YOU believe??.

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