About Me

Monday 21 June 2010

x A Legend In His Own Right x

Ali B.... At one time the name never meant anything to me, I use to see this wee guy around the shops all the time, Never knew who he was, He use to be looking at the magazines or whatever, He use to always say hello, not just to me but to everyone, He was just a polite wee chap, Then a found out my sister had met a new man, a guy a knew from school, Gordon Scott 'Goose' as a knew him, never really knew much about him, We got to meet his family 'The Scott Family' and this wee guy a use to see around all the time, turned out to be Goose's Brother, who went by the name Ali B. I was kinda surprised at this but it was all good. Ali B had allot health problems like myself so a warmed to him, He was a sweet wee guy, always wanted to make you cups of tea, He loved his munchies even tho he wasn't allowed them due to his health, But being the cheeky mischievous guy he was, He done it anyway hehe (",).

My sister Amanda and Gordon Got married on 26TH September 2009, was a beautiful day, Everyone looked smashing. I remember ma feet were killing me in the heels a was wearing and Ali B wanted to look after me (",) what always makes me smile when a think about it, That's just the kind guy he was.

On June the 10Th 2010 at around 3.30pm it was just a normal day for me, I was sitting on twitter like usual, waiting on dean texting me saying he was home from his course. Then ma mum came in ma room and told me she had to go and get ma nieces Amy and Millie as Ali B had stopped breathing and Amanda and Goose had to go urgently. It was hell shock to the system, a knew, a don't know how a knew but a did, the moment mum said they words "Ali B has stopped breathing" I knew because of his health that he wasn't gonna make it. Mum came back with the bairns, She wasn't even in the door 10 Minutes and Amanda called to say Ali B had died... Mum just burst into tears, a was sitting with Amy and Millie and we knew right away by mum's reaction what had happened. Amy started to cry so mum and her cuddled, I was in utter shock, Millie is only 2, She didn't understand, I didn't want her to see mum and Amy upset so a took her up to ma room to give Daisy some Biscuits, She loves wee Daisy. Amy came up to ma room, she clung to her baby sister Millie, Ma poor babe was inconsolable and there was nothing a could do :-( Everything had happened so fast, It didn't seem real, a couldn't cry, I was just in utter shock. I spoke to dean and hearing his voice still never made me break down... It wasn't till Mum had took the kids to ma sister Michelle's and a was on ma own that it sunk in, I just couldn't believe it was happening. I run a nice hot bubble bath, climbed in and just sat there and cried. I couldn't understand WHY someone so loving and caring could be taken away, He was only 31 years old.

It's been 2 weeks now since Ali B passed away, When he was born he was giving 2 weeks to live, He beat the odds and lasted 32 years. Every day has been hell, I find myself waking up wishing, Hoping it was all just a bad dream. Have cried a million tears. Doesn't seem to get any easier. Ali B makes his final journey tomorrow 22ND June 2010, He will be wearing his suit he wore to the wedding, He's going to heaven a handsome chappy, Will have all the Hot angels after him hehe. Ive Never experienced a funeral before, The thought made me ill so a chose to look after Millie and Harvey so ma sister's could go say goodbye, I know Ali B would understand Why a can't go, We will go and take some pretty flowers down afterwards, I just can't stand and watch them put him in the ground.

Ali B you were the sweetest wee guy a have ever met, Am so proud to say you were family, I will never forget how you wanted to look after me at the wedding, That memory a will cherish forever. We will look after your mum & dad, Gordon, Amanda and the girls, We know how much you adored them, The last 2 weeks have just dragged on, We just want you to be at rest, I hope your gonna be good up there wee guy, No causing havoc amongst the angels hehe. You gave us a glimpse of heaven, you were an angel right here on earth, I will never ever forget you wee guy Rest In Peace beautiful angel, we will meet again some day, love always and forever x Claire and Dean xoxoxoxo <3<3<3

Alan Black Scott 1978 - 2010

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